Importance of getting your child's eyes tested
Healthy eyes and vision are a critical part of a child's development and education.
It's easy to assume your child can see properly, but sight can change quickly as the eye grows, and young children in particular may not understand or recognise that anything is wrong. That's why children should have their eyes examined at least once a year
There are many signs that parents should look out for in their children:
Sitting too close to the TV
Rubbing their eyes a lot
Holding objects very close to the face
Blinking a lot
One eye turning either in or out
Free NHS Examinations for all under 16's
Children can have their eyes tested at any age, even if they cannot read, and a minimum yearly examination to ensure the continuing development of their eyes.
A child's sight test is just a thorough and comprehensive as an adults test. Children should not get any less of a quality examination because of their age.
Most importantly we like to ensure that children are happy, comfortable and relaxed when they are in our practice, making an examination enjoyable. All our staff are happy to ensure that every child is taken care of properly.