Dry Eye
Dry eye is a common eye condition affecting one in four people in the UK
The normal tear fluid that lubricates the eyes is made up of three layers – an oily (lipid) layer, a watery (aqueous) layer, and a sticky (mucous) layer – and these normal tears are what prevent our eyes from feeling dry.
What is dry eye?
People with dry eye either don't make enough normal (lubricating) tears or the ones that they make are of poor quality.
Dry eye doesn't tend to cause serious damage to the eyes, but it can be very uncomfortable. Severe cases do have a risk of causing long-term damage, but fortunately these are rare.
Many people will have a combination of blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eye.
Risk factors
Dry eye is much more common in people over the age of 50. This is often because the glands that make the normal tears, and particularly the oily part of the tears, tend to become less effective as you get older. Also the tears tend to spread across the eye less well with age.
Some general health conditions can cause dry eye as a side effect.
Windy, cold, dry and dusty conditions.
If you’re concentrating on your computer or smartphone for long periods of time without a break.
Air conditioning and central heating can make dry eye worse.
Smoking has also been linked to dry eye as it may both cause the condition and make it worse.
People with dry eye may get some or all of the following symptoms.
A sandy or gritty feeling
Sore eyes
Uncomfortable and sometimes painful eyes
An itching or burning sensation
Short-term blurred vision
Watery eyes, as if you are crying (having watery eyes can mean you are producing poor-quality tears and actually have dry eyes)
Most cases of dry eye tend to be a long-term condition, meaning that you’ll need ongoing treatment.
Using regular eye drops can help to balance the quantity and quality of tears in your eyes. We have a range of drops, free from preservatives, designed specifically to protect and hydrate your eyes.